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in Italy in the UK or in French (with the assistance of Melissa Lesson of Mishcon de Reya and Charlotte Butruille-Cardew of CBBC Avocats)

  • In Italy

    • How do I get divorced here/can I get divorced here?

    • If I get divorced here, how does the Court treat my assets?

    • If I get divorced here, am I supposed to pay/receive maintenance?

    • Would the outcome be different if prior to our wedding we had signed a document relating to the family property regime prior to the marriage?

  • In the UK

    • How do I get divorced here/can I get divorced here?

    • If I get divorced here, how does the Court treat my assets?

    • If I get divorced here, am I supposed to pay/receive maintenance?

    • Would the outcome be different if prior to our wedding we had signed a document relating to the family property regime prior to the marriage?

  • In France

    • How do I get divorced here/can I get divorced here?

    • If I get divorced here, how does the Court treat my assets?

    • If I get divorced here, am I supposed to pay/receive maintenance?

    • Would the outcome be different if prior to our wedding we had signed a document relating to the family property regime prior to the marriage?

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